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1. I believe life is performance art.


2.  I dislike pergo or fake building materials as a rule although I love fake fur in all colors and rumpus room wood panelling. I love Vegas because it is the most real fake of all.


3. My husband Roger is the smartest and funniest person I have ever met. 


4. I own a 1905 Edison '78 player that I use.


5. I am afraid of forests but love the ocean.


6. I love the space between notes of a song and a painting that tells you where to go.


7. I believe that laughter cures many ills.


8. I have read the entire Affordable Care Act.


9. I support independent businesses. I believe in spending your conscience and buying from those who act responsibly.


10. Design by Pucci and Gio Ponti makes me weak in the knees.


11. In no particular order, and BY NO MEANS EXHAUSTIVE, I believe that the following make or made our world a much more inspiring place through their music: Johnny Cash, The Ramones, the Clash, Ella Fitzgerald, Both Elvises: Costello and Presley, Wilco, Ray Charles, Queen (particular obsession with Freddie Mercury), Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, The Rolling Stones, John Coltrane, Bob Marley, The Skatalites, Nellie Mckay, and Morphine.


12. I feel most at home in Manhattan.


13. I believe that less is more.


14. Bidding at auction makes my heart race.


15. Again, In no particular order and BY NO MEANS EXHAUSTIVE, I believe that the following make or made our world a much more visually interesting place:  Anish Kapoor,  Elizabeth Peyton, Sylvie Fleury, Jim Hodges, Andrea Zittel, Kara Walker, Cornelia Parker, Andreas Gursky, Corinne Marchetti, Isamu Noguchi,  Kehinde Wiley, Rob Wynne, Marilyn Minter, Yayoi Kusama,Ruth Marten, Gerhardt Richter, Yoshitomo Nara, Jack Pierson, Anselm Reyle, Kerry James Marshall, Valentino, Mucia Prada, Tom Friedman, Olafur Eliasson, Thordis Adalsteindottir, Jason Martin, Claes Oldenberg, Gregory Crewdson, Polly Apfelbaum, Lousie Nevelson, Reineke Djikstra,  the late Margaret Kilgallen, Gajin Fujita, Dave Muller, Wangechi Mutu,  Rudolph Stingel, Zaha Hadid,  Borre Saethre, Karl Benjamin and the LA Hard Edge movement, Henry Darger, Sigalet Landau, Venske & Spanle, Nir Hod,  Vanessa Beecroft,  Ernesto Neto, Rachel Whiteread, David Lachapelle, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Sheila Pepe, Erwin Olaf,  Diller & Scofidio, Elliott Erwitt, Mr. Imagination,  Josiah Mckilhenny,  Cildo Meireles, Stephen Hendee, Mickalene Thomas, Katarina Fristch, Jenny Holzer, and Luis Guispert.


16. “Maybe opiates are the opiates of the masses”- Damien Hirst


17. My prized posession is a boxing glove signed by Ruben "Hurricane" Carter.


18. I am honored to have the following personal mentors: Mitch Albom, Author and My Bat Mitzvah Tutor; Milena Kalinovska, Director of Public Programs at Hirschorn Museum & Sculpture Garden; Lia Gangitano, Participant Inc. Founder; Jessica Morgan, Director of Dia Art Foundation; J. Mitchell Cobeaga, Esq, who never stops teaching me how to be a lawyer and still be a human being; Dave Hickey, Author; Dr. Libby Lumpkin, Professor of Art History, University of New Mexico;  My Mom, whose many degrees cannot explain or categorize her wisdom and my Dad, M. Louis Arin, PhD in Physical Chemistry, who without fanfair affected the lives of millions through his research in remediating water pollution and insuring the sterility of medical devices, retired.


19. I survived an elevator crash.


20. Most answers to life questions can be found in quotes from the movies Pulp Fiction, The Departed, and Napoleon Dynamite and in the writings of Oscar Wilde, Dr. Paul Eckman, Sun Tzu and the Beatles.



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